1115 Garvin Pl Louisville, KY 40203



Here is a list of subject areas with programs to help you in the


If you want to help others and have a dream to do so this is for you. Time to turn your dream into reality and help others!

Fatherhood & Parents

Working with parents can be a challenge. Add fathers to the program and it becomes even tougher. Learn how to be effective working with fathers and parents!

Youth Development

Children our the future so supporting the needs of youth is crucial. Get the tools to help with youth development. Train staff to understands the demands of working with youth.

Firearm Safety

During the COVID pandemic and social unrest people purchased firearms for protection. It is important they know how to be safe with guns  espeically in the home. 

Steady Growth Coaching

Successful people associate with people that can help them grow. Many successful people are coached through their successes!

The Benefits of Coaching

Coaching is about you becoming the best you. Everything you need you have. The question is how to tap into it when you do not know it exists. Part of the journey requires “Steady Growth.” 

Personal Awareness

Often we see what we do well. The challenge is being able to see the areas that could be holding you back. Learn how to be aware of your blindspots and excel.

Increase Your Capacity

In every level of success are opportunites for growth. Dr. Gardner has a tremendous ability to help people like you increase your capacity. 

Develop Social Management Skills

Every level achievement has a personal component and a relational aspect. Generally, when people are successfully in their journey part of it is attributed to the relationships that nurture. 

Schedule a Call! Find out how coaching can benefit you!